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Another wonderful way to support BRIMS this year is by buying an advertisement in our 25th Anniversary Program and Ad journal! This Journal will house event and programming materials and will be distributed at upcoming 25th year events, concerts and community events!


Artworkl should be submitted as .pdf or .png at print resolution (300DPI preferred). Artwork due on 3/24.  Let us know if you need assistance with formatting.


Email with questions! 

Advertise in our 25th Anniversary Program


    Thank you
    to our partners in music

    WTJU Radio Logo

    BRIMS is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating community through Irish music, song and dance.​

    BRIMS provides scholarship assistance to any student in need and maintains an instrument library which students can access free of charge or for a minimal fee.  Your tax deductible donations help to keep these programs flourishing. Thank you!

    Blue Ridge Irish Music School
    Classes: 120 Waldorf School Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22901
    Mailing Address: 2146 Lakeside Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901

    (434) 409-9631  ~

    Copyright @ 2022

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